Learn how to create a job request for beauty services using the post a project feature as a buyer on hair and body touch.
Step 1: From the navigation menu, click on login and enter your login details to access your account, if you are already logged in, then hover on your profile picture and click on dashboard instead.
Step 2: From Your Dashboard Menu, Click On Post A Product/Service Request, Then Fill The Form And Click On The Save & Preview Button.
Step 3: Preview your post and click the Submit Project Button, if there are any errors, simply click on the Edit Project button. Once you click the Submit Project button, the project will be submitted for review, the review process takes a few hours before approval, but be the rest assured that it would be rejected or accepted within 24 hours.
Visit the link below to access other guidelines on how effectively use Hair And Body Touch to hire or buy beauty products and services
Click Here: https://hairandbodytouch.com/buyers-help-centre/