Upload Your products or services

Step 1: Log into your vendor account and click Post A Service/Product located in your dashboard menu.
Then select your preferred package by clicking the Get started button below the plan, this could be the free plan or a paid plan.
Please note, if this is not your first time uploading a product or service, then you will see a button labelled continue using quota, click this button to use your current plan for the upload
Step 2: You will be redirected to the upload form, fill it correctly and click on the Save & Preview Button
Step 3: You will be shown a preview of how your post will look like, if you are satisfied and there are no errors, then click the Submit Service button.
Step 4: Once you submit, you will be redirected to the checkout, here you will fill your billing details, fill all the missing information and then click on the Place Order button.
Step 5: If you selected a free plan, then you won’t need to pay anything, but if it’s a paid plan, you will see a pop-up which will allow you to pay for the membership package via bank transfer or via your ATM card.
After this step, you will be redirected to the order confirmation page. Your service or product will be reviewed and approved or rejected within 24 hours.
Visit the link below to access other guidelines on how effectively use Hair And Body Touch to promote your products and services: Click Here: https://hairandbodytouch.com/help/